Source code for entente.cgal_search

`cgal_search` provides spatial search for vertices and faces. This is
implemented atop `CGAL's axis-aligned-bounding-box search tree

`CGAL <>`_ is a heavy dependency and therefore is
optional. Before using this module, you must install CGAL and its Python
bindings (which take quite some time to build).

On Mac OS:

.. code-block:: sh

    brew install cgal swig
    pip install cgal-bindings
    # wait approximately one year

Note: The AABB tree is in the `GPLv3-licensed portion of CGAL
from __future__ import print_function

[docs]def require_cgal(): """ Check that CGAL is installed, and raise an error with a helpful error message if it is not. """ try: from CGAL.CGAL_Kernel import Point_3, Triangle_3 from CGAL.CGAL_AABB_tree import AABB_tree_Triangle_3_soup # For pyflakes. assert Point_3 assert Triangle_3 assert AABB_tree_Triangle_3_soup except ImportError: print( """ CGAL is not installed. On Mac OS: $ brew install cgal swig $ pip install cgal-bindings $ wait a year Note: The AABB code in CGAL has a GPLv3 license. """ ) raise ImportError("CGAL is not installed")
[docs]def create_aabb_tree(mesh): """ Create a CGAL AABB tree from the given mesh. Reports suggest trees may rely on some shared internal storage in CGAL, so to be conservative, *finish using one before creating another*. See also: - - Returns: CGAL.CGAL_AABB_tree: A CGAL AABB tree. """ from CGAL.CGAL_Kernel import Point_3, Triangle_3 from CGAL.CGAL_AABB_tree import AABB_tree_Triangle_3_soup cgal_verts = [Point_3(*xyz) for xyz in mesh.v] cgal_faces = [ Triangle_3(cgal_verts[a], cgal_verts[b], cgal_verts[c]) for a, b, c in mesh.f ] tree = AABB_tree_Triangle_3_soup(cgal_faces) tree.accelerate_distance_queries() return tree
[docs]def faces_nearest_to_points(mesh, query_points, ret_points=False): """ Find the triangular faces on a mesh which are nearest to the given query points. Args: query_points (np.arraylike): The points to query, with shape `kx3` ret_points (bool): When `True`, return both the indices of the nearest faces and the closest points to the query points, which are not necessarily vertices. When `False`, return only the face indices. Returns: object: face indices as `kx1 np.ndarray`, or when `ret_points` is `True`, a tuple also including the coordinates of the closest points as `kx3 np.ndarray`. """ import numpy as np from CGAL.CGAL_Kernel import Point_3 tree = create_aabb_tree(mesh) face_indices = np.empty(shape=(len(query_points),), dtype=np.uint64) if ret_points: closest_points = np.empty(shape=(len(query_points), 3)) for i, p in enumerate(query_points): point, face_index = tree.closest_point_and_primitive(Point_3(*p)) face_indices[i] = face_index if ret_points: closest_points[i] = np.array([point.x(), point.y(), point.z()]) return (face_indices, closest_points) if ret_points else face_indices