Source code for entente.equality

Utilities related to mesh equality.

[docs]def attr_has_same_shape(first_obj, second_obj, attr): """ Given two objects, check if the given arraylike attributes of those objects have the same shape. If one object has an attribute value of ``None``, the other must too. Args: first_obj (obj): A object with an arraylike ``attr`` attribute. second_obj (obj): Another object with an arraylike ``attr`` attribute. attr (str): The name of the attribute to test. Returns: bool: `True` if attributes are the same shape """ first, second = getattr(first_obj, attr), getattr(second_obj, attr) if first is None or second is None: return first is second else: return first.shape == second.shape
[docs]def attr_is_equal(first_obj, second_obj, attr): """ Given two objects, check if the given arraylike attributes of those objects are equal. If one object has an attribute value of ``None``, the other must too. Args: first_obj (obj): A object with an arraylike `attr` attribute. second_obj (obj): Another object with an arraylike `attr` attribute. attr (str): The name of the attribute to test. Returns: bool: `True` if attributes are equal """ import numpy as np # Avoid comparing None's. return attr_has_same_shape(first_obj, second_obj, attr) and np.array_equal( getattr(first_obj, attr), getattr(second_obj, attr) )
[docs]def have_same_topology(first_mesh, second_mesh): """ Given two meshes, check if they have the same vertex count and same faces. In other words, check if they have the same topology. Args: first_mesh (lace.mesh.Mesh): A mesh. second_mesh (lace.mesh.Mesh): Another mesh. Returns: bool: `True` if meshes have the same topology """ return attr_has_same_shape(first_mesh, second_mesh, "v") and attr_is_equal( first_mesh, second_mesh, "f" )